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Zuhause Spiele Abra Academy
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Versteckte Objekte 3D Classic Hidden Objects Big Fish Big Fish Games
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Set off on a magical experience as you help Wanda graduate in Abra Academy.

Solve quality hidden object scenes that are challenging and require your full focus and attention.

Complete level locations with the use of helpful hint features to progress in the game. Abra Academy Revue

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Gebundene Blog-Eingänge

Donnerstag, September 2, 2021

Uncle Hank's Hidden Objects Version: is released!

Uncle Hank's Hidden Objects Version: is released! Come and check out what's new! Mehr lessen
Mittwoch, Dezember 9, 2020

Neues Spiel ist hinzugefügt: Uncle Hank's Hidden Objects

Uncle Hank – Mess in the Farm gameplay Uncle Hank – Mess in the Farm challenging hidden object scene Uncle Hank – Mess in the Farm making progress Enjoy this fun and engaging hidden object game that you can enjoy in the comfort of your browser.

Utilize the hint or time bonuses to your advantage whenever you’re in a rough situation.

Locate all the objects as quickly as you can to move onto the next level.
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Donnerstag, September 10, 2015

Neues Spiel ist hinzugefügt: Abra Academy

Abra Academy Library Scene Laboratory in Abra Academy Abra Academy - Wendy's Room Set off on a magical experience as you help Wanda graduate in Abra Academy.

Solve quality hidden object scenes that are challenging and require your full focus and attention.

Complete level locations with the use of helpful hint features to progress in the game.
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